Click on my album here to see more photos of my Niagara experience with my in-laws and family friends. The wallpaper-quality photos are courtesy of Bong Asuelo.
Lovers, honeymooners, poets, painters, photographers, chroniclers, geologists, and plain sightseers from all over the world come to Niagara Falls to experience its awe and magic. Like this poem written by J.S. Buckingham in 1837, it's indeed a gift from the Great Creator!
Thy diadem's an emerald, of the clearest, purest hue,
Set round with waves of snow-white foam,
and spray of feathery dew;
While tresses of the brightest pearls float
o'er thine ample sheet,
And the rainbow lays its gorgeous gems
in tribute at thy feet!
And from that hour to this,
in which I gaze upon thy stream,
From age to age, in Winter's frost
or Summer's sultry beam,
By day, by night, without a pause,
thy waves, with loud acclaim,
In ceaseless sounds have still proclaim'd
the Great Eternal's name!
Thy diadem's an emerald, of the clearest, purest hue,
Set round with waves of snow-white foam,
and spray of feathery dew;
While tresses of the brightest pearls float
o'er thine ample sheet,
And the rainbow lays its gorgeous gems
in tribute at thy feet!
And from that hour to this,
in which I gaze upon thy stream,
From age to age, in Winter's frost
or Summer's sultry beam,
By day, by night, without a pause,
thy waves, with loud acclaim,
In ceaseless sounds have still proclaim'd
the Great Eternal's name!